“Nice Titties”

I need to blog about this right now if I’m going to make it home on the train ride without crying. 
For those who read my blog, you know I have been sexually assaulted and raped twice. I have PTSD but have been treated for it with EMDR and I have been doing really well. 

After I got out of my Cognitive Psych class, which I got an A on the exam, I was walking down the stairs and when I got to the bottom a guy said “hey” to me, I nodded and kept walking unsure of why he tried talking to me. He said, “stop” so I stopped, and looked at him and then to his friends who had smiles on their face. 

I asked if they were doing a psychology experiment because of the strange behavior they displayed. He said no, and that he stopped me because he thought I was very attractive.  I said thank you and was going to keep walking but he kept talking. He kept saying how attractive I was and if my eyes were real or colored contacts. I said real. He then proceeded with saying, “don’t slap me when I say this.” I said ,”okay” and he said “you’re very attractive, your eyes and hair, and I noticed you because of your blouse and well, you have nice titties.” He also asked for my snapchat and I told him I was in a serious relationship and he gave me his name and said if he saw me again he would stop me and talk to me.

I feel completely objectified and gross after that. I wear the outfit I’m wearing today (jeans, low cut tank top and a jacket) every week. It’s nothing new or flashy, just my every day casual clothes. I am so jumpy and scared and just stupid PTSD reaction… I just want to be home with Cody so he can hug me and I can feel safe. 

I know most girls like getting hit on, but I don’t at least not like that. That was very vulgar and gross. It made me feel so uncomfortable. Especially given my history. 

Is this normal behavior for a guy? I’ve been hit on but never like that…

XOXO Anna 

19 thoughts on ““Nice Titties”

  1. I’m sorry it happened to you. Objectification is apparently too common, given what young female friends tell me. Speaking out as it did…well, I’m afraid that’s too common too. Creepy, yeah. It’d have been borderline had he stopped at saying you were pretty and had nice eyes. Going where he did…yeah, slap or kick in the nads.

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  2. Sorry to hear this 😦

    I don’t think guys realise the harm their comments can make. I can’t imagine ever talking to a girl like that, now or in my youth. They probably just think they’re being macho, and showing off to their mates that they can be forward/confident with a girl. Unfortunately it is cooler to be a sexually confident male than it is to be thoughtful, sensitive or respectful. Just like for girls it is expected to look like the women in the magazines.

    Maybe you can find some solace in the fact that these guys probably wouldn’t actually even consider causing any sexual harm. The fact their actions take you back to a bad place was no doubt entirely not their intention and they would probably even be sorry if they knew what they had triggered in you. I hope so, anyway.

    Stay strong and stay positive!

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