An Open Letter to Shitty Husbands, Vol. 10

So I know I haven’t been posting as often as I used to. Time has ben tight. But I finally took some time for myself, and somehow I came across this blog, and I am in love with these posts. I finally feel understood and not crazy for feeling the way I feel. This post here explains exactly why I am having issues with Cody. If anyone is struggling in a relationship, please give these posts a read, very informative and extremely helpful!

Must Be This Tall To Ride


My wife felt unsafe because she could no longer trust me.

She didn’t feel unsafe because she thought I would physically hurt her or because she thought I couldn’t protect her if someone else tried.

She didn’t stop trusting me because she worried I might have sex with someone else.

My wife stopped trusting me because she determined I could not be counted on to be the partner she needed. As a parent. As a housemate. As a lover. As a financial partner.

It wasn’t the big things that brought her to that point. There often aren’t big things in marriage.

It was the little things. Often, it is the little things that scratch and claw and chip away at the integrity of a marriage until the union and its participants look nothing like they did when first formed.

She was a youthful, fun, vibrant, happy, joyful young woman.

She grew…

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