The Business Owns You

I have weekly business mastermind calls. We were originally a group of four, but one stopped coming to the meetings. We talked tonight because she suddenly reappeared and is interested. We were talking about priorities and commitment. My dad once told me that when you make a business it owns you.


It’s so true! My relationship coaching business and blog owns me. I am running the business 24/7, anything from websites updates, to consultation calls, to billing, to blog posts, to full-on coaching sessions. The other two in the mastermind also work hard on their businesses. We are all committed to helping each other grow and stay accountable and we basically took 20 or so minutes to figure out how to let this person know that if they are back they need to be committed.


I love my business, truly I do. This morning I woke up to the best thing. My google voice number for my business I linked to my phone. I woke up to see a text from someone who found my post on Nextdoor about beta testing one of my coaching programs. She was interested and we had a consultation call today. Her boyfriend didn’t know she was reaching out for help but she said she would talk to him about it tonight and get back to me. I loved that someone found my services and reached out for help. It was an amazing feeling.

It didn’t just happen, it came from hard work and dedication. I have worked since October and creating the coaching side of my business and it’s paying off. Why? Because I am committed to my business and clients. Our group set up a call for next week and we agreed we would let the other person know the time we have set and see if they are able to commit.


I have a client tomorrow evening and they are about to graduate from the program! They have come so far, I am truly impressed. Same with my other client, she also has impressed me. I never expected clients to be coming to me and reaching out. Clearly, my programs must resonate with them. I am just glad I’ve created programs that people enjoy and can really improve their life and relationship with.


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