Therapy and Healing


Cody and I went to therapy on friday to talk about all the things we either weren’t talking about or had miscommunications about. It helped for sure. We have a check up session in two 2 weeks. We also had amazing sex last night at my parents house in my bedroom. It brought back a lot of memories of when we were first together. Tomorrow marks a year of us meeting and then the 18th is when he asked me to be his girlfriend. We are trading gifts, but Cody hasn’t gotten his yet. I already have one of the two that I’m giving him. We also were going to get matching tattoo’s with our initial’s in the tattoo, like the one I got with my sister, but at the moment money is really tight, so we are putting that off until the end of the month or beginning of next month when we have the money, so that’s a gift we are getting together.


Tomorrow I have to take Emily and Luvas to the vet, which is going to cost a lot, and then I’m baby-sitting that afternoon into the evening,and Cody and I will trade our first gift tomorrow night, and then the other on the 18th. But things are turning around for Cody and me.


Also we’ve figured out I am better at finances than he is, since that is where most of the stress has been coming from. He just isn’t as organized as I am so I got this app Wally, which is a great app, and have folders and am keeping everything organized. This month so far we’ve spent more than normal because of getting gifts and other finances (like parking tickets) and stuff. Overall living together in our own place was originally strange, but I think we are getting used to the place and getting used to our new routine and communicating a lot better lately which is really helping. Seriously glad things are turning around for us!


Moving Forward


Cody and I talked last night, like really talked. We haven’t gotten through all the things we want to talk about, but we have made huge progress! As long as we keep an open dialogue, are honest, and ready to talk, we will be fine.


We even had passionate (amazing) sex last night. I communicated exactly what I wanted and he definitely delivered. Today we continued our conversation from last night and again, made progress! Cody opened up to me!! Like holy shit so happy. This showed him that he is capable of opening up, it just takes him a couple minutes to get there. I am just so proud of him for being able to do that. But I am very glad our communication is better and we are talking, and actually changing our behavior patterns that need changing to keep our relationship healthy and happy.


Communication is Key


After I posted that vent yesterday and went home, Cody and I talked. We talked for a long time about everything. Honestly it was scary because it was a big talk and lots happened. I really don’t want to get into details about it, but let’s just say I think it was a wake up call for Cody.


He did agree that he got complacent. He said he didn’t know what to do exactly to make me feel loved. I started giving him examples of the things I’ve done for him over the past nine months, i.e. the Ferrari, the christmas presents that he specifically asked for, the book I made him, getting his favorite candies spontaneously, and then of course…the big one…the promise ring.


I told him I guess I didn’t realize how disappointed I was for Valentine’s day, because we had gone ring shopping a couple weeks prior so Cody could get an idea of engagement rings and just rings in general that I would like. After the promise ring I gave him he told me he was going to surprise me one random day with something special. That never happened if my memory is correct. He also hinted that, or implied, he was going to get me a ring for Valentine’s. On Valentine’s he told me at dinner he didn’t get me a ring because he didn’t have the money to get one. I told him that was fine, but I’ll be honest I was disappointed. I mean, here two weeks prior to Valentine’s I give him a promise ring with a speech, basically saying we promised to be honest, faithful, etc, stating in the end that we would get married one day. Promising each other that. Now, why did I do something so romantic and for *no reason at all?* (Cody if you’re reading this, know if you give me a ring it doesn’t have to be tied to something special) Well the reason behind it was to show Cody I was committed to him. I did the ring because:

  1. I love him
  2. I wanted to apologize for making him think I was going to leave him
  3. I wanted to assure him that I was never going to leave him
  4. It was romantic and sweet, and it made Cody happy. Happier than I’ve seen him for most things.
  5. It was spontaneous and loving and exciting and passionate


I wanted to make Cody well aware that I was not going to leave him if he did screw up again. Giving Cody that ring was very special. It was a big moment for me. It meant I was committed, even though not engaged. Engagement is still at least a year away. That’s fine.  Commitment is what is important. Not important…essential for our relationship. Commitment is everything in a relationship, it really is the determining factor of whether two people will be together or give up. It meant I take our relationship seriously. It meant I see us as partners and equals. So when Cody hinted he was going to get me a ring and never got one, I guess I subconsciously took it as him not wanting to be that committed to me, or that I wasn’t deserving or that level of commitment, etc. Cody said that was not it. Which I know. But still, I felt that way.


I have told Cody some things that he could do that would make me feel loved again. Honestly since that porn misstep, it’s been hard work to keep this relationship going. It’s also been hard feeling like I was the only one trying. I am not saying that’s bad, all relationships require constant work. Once effort stops the relationship essentially stops. I felt like after the misstep Cody kind of gave up because he felt he messed up so bad that nothing he did could make up for it, which in turn made me feel worse that he didn’t do anything.  I have worked hard to try and trust Cody again, and with some minor things that have happened since the misstep it makes it harder and harder to getting to the place where I completely trust him again. I guess I took Cody’s empty promises and words to mean that I should stay quiet about my needs and desires because even if I said them and he said he would do it, it wouldn’t happen. I guess I gave up in a way. I gave up trying to tell Cody what it is that I needed and wanted. I was honestly just trying to avoid as much disappointment as possible. I hate being disappointed, and I’m sure most people do, so I tried to avoid it.


Cody and I made a new promise to each other: I will be honest about my feelings and needs and wants if he starts to put effort in to show me he loves me and pulls his weight with household chores. I think that is a really good start for us to work with, and from there we can keep going. I know my vent post could be taken as harsh, but honestly I think it just saved our relationship. I had no idea I was holding half of those emotions in until I vented yesterday. And how can people communicate if they are unaware of either the problem or why one is behaving in a certain way?


I have hope again, which is a bit scary. I really don’t want to be let down again. I really don’t. But I have hope that our relationship is going to improve a lot because we talked yesterday. I do still fear that Cody’s words are empty, but I am doing my best to have faith in him and believe that his words actually mean something this time round.


I Hate Emotions


Emotions are killing me right now. I feel like I’ve been hyper-sensitive. I probably have been. I sent Cody these two articles, 5 Ways to Be an Ally to Your Partner’s Eating Disorder Recovery (And Avoid Triggering Them) and Anorexia Nearly Killed My Wife, and that was on saturday…he still hasn’t read them and he is only reading them today because I am asking…again.


Also Cody and I made a lot of progress two days ago when we were arguing, which has been the norm lately. We realized that I have been shutting him out and he hasn’t felt as close. It’s true that I went into “take care of yourself mode”. It happened after the porn incident.


I usually go into that mode only after I’ve been hurt or betrayed by someone who was extremely important to me. For example, after Eric left me, I didn’t ask anyone for help, even when I was suicidal except for India-but she is my sister, so that’s different. It’s always been the pattern in my life that after someone leaves, or betrays me, I never go back to relying on them for anything. I tried to do that with Ethan, but he told me I couldn’t rely on him anymore, so I decided that I wouldn’t do that.


Cody wants me to talk to him and for me to let him know what’s going on with me. He wants me to open up to him again, and trust him and all that. So since he has asked, that is what I’ve been doing. It’s been hard…like really hard at times, and easy at other times. But today it was hard. I did ask for him to read the articles and I was very hurt that he didn’t. He acknowledged that he said he would read the articles but didn’t and that he was sorry. That makes me feel better because at least he acknowledged that he did break his word- hence me not being able to really trust what he says he is going to do.


But we are making progress. I am scared to do the whole rely on Cody again and open up, but I am doing it. I am letting him know if something comes up or if he says or does something that rubs me the wrong way. I feel bad though because I don’t want to hurt Cody when I tell him that something he did (or didn’t do) upset me. But the whole letting him in and being honest thing is better. I feel better. I feel like I am getting heard. I also at the same time sometimes feel selfish for expressing my opinions or something because I don’t know, was it selfish of me to want him- or expect him- to read those articles without me badgering him? I don’t know.


Sometimes I don’t know what I’m allowed to ask for. Not that I’m not allowed, to that Cody makes me feel like that…it’s just that old people in my life made me feel like I was selfish if I asked for stuff I wanted, or if I expressed me thoughts or opinions that they were irrelevant or stupid. I still am working on myself and working on getting comfortable with standing up for myself and what I want and need from a person, and also balance that with their wants and needs.




Cody and I talked and he thought I was focusing on the marriage instead of the relationship. I am focusing on our relationship, but I want to be prepared for whatever can happen in the future. I like knowing what pitfalls to avoid. I like having the best possible chance at having a successful relationship and once I explained that he understood.


Broken Glass and Cuts


Last night Cody and I got into an argument and there was miscommunication. I was drunk, and he came in and we were arguing and I told him to leave me. I meant he should leave me as in the relationship. I said leave, leave me, go play video games, leave. Stuff like that. He eventually left and I thought that meant he left. I mean he slammed the door and walked out of the bathroom. He thought I meant leave me to calm down and we would talk later. I smashed the beer bottle in the shower and I slammed the glass door and my hand went through the door. Cody came to see what happened and my hand and wrist were cut up. We went downstairs and my dad helped me wrap and clean the cuts.


We are fine just we both didn’t understand each other at that moment. I know throwing a beer bottle and smashing a door wasn’t the way to handle me being upset, but I was drunk. Stupidity on my part. See, Cody and I made an agreement that if we were in an argument we wouldn’t walk out on each other in the middle of it. He walked out. I assumed that meant that he was going to leave me. That thought didn’t even cross his mind.


But I have class later today. Actually I have to catch the train pretty soon. I am excited though! Cody and I are going to be relaxing tonight. I won’t be getting home until later. I hate the commute into the city, it’s a drag.


Waiting, Conversations, and Family Dinner Tonight


Cody had a great interview with my parents company and he is starting off by going in on his off days from his other job, and once the company figures out exactly what is needed to be done, then Cody if the trial part goes well, will be working for them!

I am still waiting to hear back about my job application. The waiting is annoying. But Cody found two really cool apartment complex’s in perfect locations. If we both get the jobs then we will move out!


Last night Cody and I talked. I will be honest, these past couple weeks I knew something was up with Cody, and I was worried it was me, but it wasn’t. Cody was just super stressed about his job, and the fact that he could be working for my parents has changed his mood completely! Cody and I were both honest with each other and we were both glad we talked.


My mom just informed me that we are having a family dinner tonight at seven with our close family friends, who I really want Cody to meet! But tonight is a dinner with just the family, and we are going to tell them about my sister running away. I am really not looking forward to this dinner because last time I went out with them was right when I met Cody actually, and I ended up crying at the restaurant because of the conversation topic and how heated it got. So I am a bit nervous about dinner tonight…Hoping all goes well.


Can I just say What The Fuck?

So I ended up going to my evening Detective class.

I just got a text from Ramone asking to hang out. I said as long as that’s not code for getting in my pants. He replies, “No, it doesn’t mean get into your pants. After the talk I kinda went all protective mode on you and kinda see you as a little sister.”

WHAT THE FUCK. Right? Then I was like, “What do you mean?”

He replies, “Well not exactly. I mean still find you attractive, but after all the stuff you told me, I felt like a scum bag who took advantage of you and, I dunno, theres like this compulsion to help/protect you anyway I can.”

I said, “I’m still confused.”


He said, “Don’t worry about it. Bottom line, i’m not looking to fuck you.”

I said, “So we are friends?”

He said, “Did I lead you on? I’m sorry.”


So fuck, I not only lose Owen this week, but now losing Ramone before I even had him? Damnit! Hopefully my coffee date with this guy from Tinder goes well tomorrow or I’m going to have my self-esteem just plummet.


Also because of how busy I’ve been I haven’t exactly been eating…and I should eat dinner now…but I am so not in the mood after all this.

Fuck. Why are guys so complicated? Like either just…fuck. This is bullshit. Damnit.



Acting for Camera 1

It’s early in the morning and I’m up again… Today in our class we are doing our interviews, and then writing our “Who am I?” essays. Our interviews are us sitting in front of the camera answering the questions the teacher throws at us. The Who Am I essay is for us to think about the roles we play in our lives.

For example, I am a daughter, a sister, a roommate, a friend, etc. and I would further expand on an explanation of each role I put down. I am excited for the essay and have been thinking about it since she talked about it on monday, but am a bit nervous to write it. No one but the teacher will see the essay, and she said if there was something written in the essay that we wanted to be kept private – in case she refers to the essay during our acting and she mentions to go to that moment in time- to write a note at the bottom stating you want certain things not to be mentioned, but to be pointed to and she would hand you the essay to refer to the moment that she wants you to draw from.

I plan to be able to give my teacher enough information so she knows the capability of the range of emotions I’ve experienced that way if I need to play that emotion during this Quarter she will know I can do it and help me get there.


Feeling a little lonely…

So I’ve been reading James Michael Sama’s blog for the past couple hours and some articles hit me hard.

As those who have been reading my blog posts since the beginning, you’ve read the name Ethan and Eric a lot. Those were my two best friends, and also ex-boyfriends, who were amazing to me for two years. Ethan and I had a really strong friendship until last quarter. Eric and I had an even closer friendship with me, and that completely ended last quarter.

James writes about romance but also he mentions friendship. He states, “But the truth is, you don’t walk away from someone you love. You don’t leave them in their time of need. You don’t sit out the storms. You run outside into the rain next to them and you hold that damn umbrella over their head for however long it takes.”

Ethan and Eric have done that, but last quarter suddenly they disappeared when things got tough. It baffles me that I knew them for two years and suddenly they just up and leave. The three of us have been through so much together. We were like the Three Musketeers! I understand that Ethan has a new girlfriend and friends, but he doesn’t invite me on hangouts anymore. And Eric, I sent him that letter finally, and still no word- which I figured he wouldn’t- but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt.

When I use the reference to James’ quote about love, I don’t mean to reference it for romance. There are all kinds of love, and I am talking about the love between friends.  So why is it all of a sudden that my two best friends have seemed to disappear?

Part of me -irrationally-thinks it’s because I reported Monster. I know Ethan and Dean didn’t understand why I reported it. Eric was supportive at the beginning but suddenly left… I can’t help but have the irrational thought that they left me because I…

A) reported it


B) how reporting it took such a toll on me and I really needed a lot of support

But friends shouldn’t just bail or doubt you.




I just wish Ethan didn’t question what Monster did to me. That’s why I put those gifs, because that scene between the two of them reminds me a lot of how it felt to hear disbelief in Ethan when talking about Monster and reporting.




That was basically what Eric’s original reaction was like. But maybe some storms are too much and people jump ship.

I guess what I am trying to figure out is why now and not two years ago? And this experience has left me hesitant to trust new friends enough to let them see me when I’m not “perfect.” I just don’t want to drive someone away because I ended up crying in front of them. That’s not how friendship should work.


Building a defense…

So I remember posting about Ethan and our argument about Monster.

I know Ethan apologized that day, but it honestly hurt me very deeply that he said that. It hurt me that Dean told me I should have kept my mouth shut about it, and that it was extreme for me to report Monster. Ethan and Dean have made me feel like shit about doing the right thing.

I really need to talk to both of them, individually, about how their comments hurt me, and re-traumatized me by making me feel alone and as if they were on Monster’s side.

So the past couple days I’ve been building my defense against them. I know, its sad and sick that I would have to do this, but I just don’t know how else to do this. I don’t want to talk to each of them, and then them making it worse by saying that I was wrong all over again.

My sister made me text Ethan saying that I had to talk to him face to face when I got back to school. So Ethan knows I have to talk to him about something. I am honestly nervous to talk to him, because I don’t know what I would do if Ethan still took Monster’s side after the defense file I’ve put together for myself.

The problem is that most people aren’t educated when it comes to sexual assault and rape. Their are a lot of myths and misconceptions, and no one wants to think that their friend, family member, partner, class mate, etc. could be capable of something like that. Reading this article really spoke to me, and I think it will help when I let Ethan and Dean read it.

Yes, Your Friend May Be a Rapist

I hope that all goes well when I talk to them…and if they can’t see past their own ignorance, than I guess I’m better off without them…


Catching up with friends!

So in my last couple days at home, I’ve been catching up with all my friends from home. It’s been awesome to see the people I’ve known for years. They couldn’t believe all that I’ve done this quarter. Mainly they couldn’t believe the guy situations. But it’s nice to know they are all doing good. I’m hoping this summer I will be able to hang out with them more- that is if I’m not in school or doing an internship.

Life gets so busy! It’s really hard to stay in touch with all my friends from middle school and high school. Though we agreed to Skype dates every couple weeks to keep up with each other. Skype really has been a life saver.


Trying to stay on track

So eating for the past two days has been more of a challenge for some reason. Maybe it is that this time of year is stressful. But I am not happy with the fact that it’s almost 2 PM and I haven’t had anything to eat, and I woke up at 8:30 AM.

I guess I confess that I have been avoiding eating. But I am not sure why I have. That frustrates me to no end! Usually if I can figure out what is triggering the behavior, I can stop it in its tracks. But I am at a loss here as to why I have started to restrict.

I guess I will go make something to eat, but I just wish I knew why I don’t have the motivation to eat…


Day in the city!

Monday was one of the most fun days I’ve had in a long time. I knew that Andy was going to be in the city on Monday so I told him that I would probably meet up with him at some point. Well, it turned out that Shaggy’s train was delayed, so Andy met me at Grand Central and we just talked and caught up until Shaggy got there.

At first I was not sure about it all. Andy hugged me goodbye and Shaggy and I were left to figure out what we were going to do. Shaggy and I both hate the city, and were terrible at navigating the city. We ended up just walking out of Grand Central trying to find a place to eat. It was so cold, that we just went to a McDonald’s and ate there.

So we dat down at a table and I was incredible shy. Plus there was food involved so that made me even more nervous. Shaggy was a sweetheart. There’s just this vibe about him, like a sweet puppy dog. I don’t know how else to describe it, but it’s a nice change of pace for me. One thing I liked most was that Shaggy said that I was mysterious and he had a hard time reading me.

Let me tell you, that comment made me smile. I loved it! See, Eric always said I was super easy to read and that he knew me better than I knew myself. So for someone to tell me that they couldn’t read me made me super happy.

While sitting at McDonalds Shaggy was his usual emotional self- and I say that with the utmost happiness- and was expressing his feelings. I, on the other hand, sat there quietly smiling and listening, not sure what to say. I think I told him about my dog, that passed away, that came from an abused home and wasn’t used to such kind people when he came home with us and it took him a while to warm up. I told Shaggy that’s why I was being more on the reserved side, because let’s be honest, my past relationships- romantic or not- have not been the healthiest or good.

After McDonald’s we went back to Grand Central and tried to figure out the subway system. We eventually got to the Met. Now, I for one hate museums, but it was freaking freezing, so I rather be in a museum than outside where I couldn’t feel my legs.

Walking around the museum Shaggy and I talked. We got along, and I stayed on the reserved side, while Shaggy still expressed his feelings. The whole time all I could think about was, what if I took the chance to be with him. Shaggy asked to be with me, but I said he had no idea what he was asking for.

After the Met we tried to find a Starbucks to sit in, but it was packed, so we went back to Grand Central, and sat int he dining concourse and talked.

Shaggy asked me to be his girlfriend, for like the third time now. I sat there, shocked that he still was asking. I don’t remember how we ended up talking about this but I think I mentioned PTSD and all the issues, and he told me his experiences with friends and such. Let’s just say after him opening up about things he has witnessed and gone through, it made me more comfortable. It made me comfortable enough to open up more. And he asked again if I would be his girlfriend. I told him about my most recent experience and how I was scared to take that leap of faith.

In the end I said yes. I am not one to make impulsive decisions, but I just couldn’t say no. Yes, I feel crazy about it, but my gut is telling me that there’s something good here. Eric once told me that fear shouldn’t run my life. He told me he hoped that I wouldn’t let fear stop me from anything. So remembering that, I took the chance and agreed to be his girlfriend. I then talked about triggers and Shaggy said he wanted to know, so I told him about Peter, Ethan, and Monster.

I’m in a relationship. I’m excited, and terrified all at once. This is new, and utterly crazy, but then again, if you all knew my parents love story, mine isn’t as crazy. I might make a post about their love story because it’s just that amazing.

So here is to new beginnings, not letting the past control my future, and taking chances,


Meeting up

So Shaggy and I are meeting up on Monday in the city. We are currently trying to figure train schedules out. I’m kinda excited to meet him in person. He seems like a chill guy.

But I am trying to be normal about it. Like not too cynical or too excited. Which is difficult for me. But for the first time since Eric I am feeling something. That’s fucking terrifying me. But everything happens for a reason. If it’s meant to be it will be.


Drunk Texting

Last night I was texting to Shaggy when I got a text from Dean, Ethan’s friend.

The conversation started fine but by the end he texted, and I quote,

I wanna fuck you. I couldn’t hold a relationship. I think we’re too similar. But I think we’d have a very fun time. But you deserve more than that. Way more than that…I don’t care what I say when I’m drunk…Because yeah…I wanna kiss you a lot. Even though I’d only act if you wanted to…..woooooww I just realized how much I wanna feel connection…. Sorry to dump this confusing shit on you…….but I guess you should know…..even though it wouldn’t effect what’s happened…..

So yeah, he texted me all that. It’s true, Dean and I have had a rocky past. Him not liking me after what happened with Peter. Him sending me a text saying a certain song(that was really mean) reminded him of me. Him saying my eating disorder wasn’t real and was for attention. Of course we had a heart to heart this past quarter and made up.

Never in a million years would I think Dean still had a thing for me. I remember Ethan telling me that Dean also liked me, but let Ethan have the chance with me. But Dean really likes this girl who is far away and he can’t date her for 3 months. So he is just major lonely right now.

Just when I thought there was no other guys friends left to confess feelings for me…


Is this real?

Okay, so I’ve always believed that you have to meet someone to get to know them. So would you say having Skype chats can be a way of meeting someone and getting to know them?

I’m referring to a guy we will call Shaggy. We originally started talking because we were matches on Tinder. So after a really good conversation or two he gave me his number and Facebook info. We became friends on Facebook and texted. This was all happening the week before I got together with Eric this past summer.

So once Eric and I were together, naturally I didn’t talk to Shaggy much, if at all. Shaggy contacted me soon after my breakup with Eric this past quarter, and we had a nice brief conversation. Then I messaged Shaggy on Monday and we talked and he asked again if I was up for that date he had asked me on during the summer, and I said sure.

We Skyped for a total of three hours last night. It’s very strange, I haven’t yet revealed much about myself and opinions per se, but he seems to have similar beliefs and knowledge. It’s very fascinating. We can go on talking about subjects that I haven’t truly been able to talk about in depth with people on this level since Ethan.

I get turned on by someone’s mind. Shaggy, though he may not look smart, is very smart. And since Eric, I haven’t been able to feel any ounce of connection to anyone as a friend or more, until last night. I felt like someone got me. It was strange. Shaggy also gives compliments and I’m not used to compliments so it was very hard to accept the compliment and not fight against it.

He plans to visit me before I go back to school…but with my cynical and jaded heart I have a tough time believing it even though Shaggy seems genuine. What I’m truly asking is, can someone like you when you haven’t met face to face? Or is getting to know someone over Skype sessions a way to get to know them? Opinions welcomed!


Punk Shows, concussions, and one night stands…

So last night I dragged my depressed ass out of my apartment to go to another punk house show. I met up with Quick Silver and his best friend, who I never mentioned until now because there wasn’t much reason too. But now he is worthy of mentioning.

We are going to call him Andy. Andy and Quick Silver are best friends. I met and got to know Andy through Quick Silver.

At the punk show last night, I moshed for the first time. That was fun, surprisingly, that is until I got hit in the face and ended up with a minor concussion. I couldn’t drive myself home, so Andy brought me back to his place which was three blocks from the show, and we chilled there. We talked for hours which was really nice. He asked me about Quick Silver and if I wanted anything else or was planning on more, and I said I was following Quick Silver’s lead, which seemed to be just friends.

I tend to squeak if someone pokes me or messes with me. So Andy started poking my nose and just playing around. I bit his finger playfully, and he tried to find my tickle spot. Overall a really nice time. He taught me some self-defense moves, some ball room dancing, and he basically was keeping me awake because I wasn’t supposed to sleep.

Somehow our playfulness turned into kissing. One thing lead to another and we end up in his room and we have sex. 3 times over the course of a couple hours.

The reason I never mentioned Andy was because I didn’t know if I was going to be friends with him or not. I figured Quick Silver was going to be my friend but I didn’t know if Andy wanted to be my friend too.

But Andy has this complicated situation with his girlfriend. Yes, I had a one night stand with a guy who is about to breakup with his girlfriend. I feel like shit. But Andy and I seem to be okay… We stayed up the whole night and I got back to my apartment at 8 AM and passed out until noon.

All I know is that Andy and his girlfriend have been on the rocks since I met him and Andy and his girlfriend had three blowouts lately and they set terms that if there were any blowouts that the relationship was over.

Andy is going to break up with her sometime this week. This one night stand is staying between us. I wouldn’t want Quick Silver to find out because that could change the dynamic.

I know that Andy and I both don’t do one night stands and don’t feel particularly good about it. All I know is I want to keep him as a friend. He is really smart and I feel like I could learn a lot from him, and Quick Silver.


Roller Coaster with AA to save the day!

So in my fiction class I had the same guy with the backwards hat trigger me. That wasn’t fun. Then when everyone was leaving class, Christian boy came up behind me and I got so freaked. I like jumped. Damn PTSD. But it’s not like Christian boy would know I have PTSD. But anyways, he said, “Take care sweetheart” again.

I then went to AA tonight. Not the young people’s AA but the original place I went for my first meeting. I like going to those meetings better because those are the people I met on the first day or the first week. I’ve bonded with them.

I’ve mentioned one guy in AA who I look up to in a past post. He really is sweet. We talked today and hugged and caught up. After the meeting everyone hung out and smoked outside and talked. The guy I look up to, who we will call Derek, is a member of that group and he was staying for the 8 o’clock. He asked if I was staying and I said I should probably eat since I’m anorexic. He was like, “oh yeah do what you have to do. You look great by the way.” Gave me a hug and kiss on the head and said “take care.” I can’t think of a nickname to give him. He wears these cool black spiral earrings that make him seem punk. He dresses like he has a job in business. First time I met him he was riding his bike home.

Overall a very unusual day. It’s Monster’s birthday by the way. So I think it somehow was triggering.

Right now, Quick Silver is about to come over because I gave him a ride home from a film set last night and he said he would give me gas money so maybe he will stay over and we might watch Breaking Bad together…

Anyways, signing off to make dinner!